Pin the Macho on the Man: Mediations of Gay Male Masculinity in The Body Politic, 1971-1987 Item Info

Pin the Macho on the Man: Mediations of Gay Male Masculinity in The Body Politic, 1971-1987
Hrynyk, Nicholas
Date Created:
Degree Awarded:
Doctor of Philosophy
Canadian History Gender Studies
Geographical Focus:
Canada Ontario Toronto
Supporting Materials:
As the largest Canadian gay and lesbian newspaper from 1971 to 1987, The Body Politic not only shaped the political landscape of gay liberation but also mediated understandings and assumptions around gay male masculinity. The editorial collective behind The Body Politic addressed masculinity in myriad ways, sometimes directly in editorials on gender and sexuality, but more often indirectly as part of discussions around race, desire, the body, space, and HIV/AIDS. In doing so, The Body Politic served an important role in mediating the gendered, racial, sexual, and spatial politics of desire and identity in Toronto's gay male community. The newspaper was an important interactive platform for collective members and readers alike to explore and express apprehensions around heteronormative, ableist, and racial influences on gay male masculinity as a performative style.
Preferred Citation:
Hrynyk, Nicholas. Pin the Macho on the Man: Mediations of Gay Male Masculinity in The Body Politic, 1971-1987. 2018. Carleton University, Doctor of Philosophy.
Reference Link:
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