The limits of humanity; George Bell, the Church of England, and German refugees 1933-1939. Item Info

The limits of humanity; George Bell, the Church of England, and German refugees 1933-1939.
Blumenthal, Heather
Date Created:
Degree Awarded:
Master of Arts
Bell, George Kennedy Allen, Bishop Of Chichester, 1883-1958 Church Of England Refugees, Jewish Great Britain Kristallnacht, 1938
Geographical Focus:
Supporting Materials:
The Church of England could have played a significant role in assisting refugees from Germany between 1933 and 1939. That it did not illustrates an essential conflict at the heart of the Church’s identity — between the religious Church, committed to morality, untrammelled by national borders. and the established Church. closely linked to England’s secular elites. The Church’s response to the refugee issue provides a prism through which to better understand the iimited English response. Fear of war and support for appeasement, concerns about unemployment, and anti-Semitism, were the constraints that prevented a more positive response. George Bell, Bishop of Chichester, rose above these constraints to assist the refugees. particularly the "non-Aryan" Christians. His attempts to awaken English Christians to the needs of refugees. parcicularly the "non-Aryan” Christians. failed in 1933 and 1936, but were successful in the aftermath of Kristalinacht, in November 1938.
Preferred Citation:
Blumenthal, Heather. The limits of humanity; George Bell, the Church of England, and German refugees 1933-1939.. 1995. Carleton University, Master of Arts.
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