Ralph Cecil Horner: product of the Ottawa Valley. Item Info

Ralph Cecil Horner: product of the Ottawa Valley.
Fortune, Clifford Roy
Date Created:
Degree Awarded:
Master of Arts
Horner, Ralph C (Ralph Cecil), 1854-1921 Holiness Methodist Church Ontario History 19th Century
Geographical Focus:
Canada Ottawa Valley Ontario
Supporting Materials:
This study shows how Bishop Ralph Cecil Horer, founder of two distinctively Canadian religious denominations, the Holiness Movement and the Standard Church of America, merged residual and emergent strands of nineteenth-century Canadian culture to create a new religious society. Its main theme is that of change and continuity in nineteenth-century evangelical Methodism and its descendants. The study attempts to contribute to the broader field of Canadian social history, informed by concepts and theories from history, geography, economics, anthropology, sociology, and religion. It focuses mainly on how Homer coped with crises in his religious career, and how he created a new culture which he could control. Horner found his followers mostly in his native Ottawa Valley where monopoly capitalism was creating profound changes which would lead to the social gospel. Homer offered an alternative society based on strands of old Methodism.
Preferred Citation:
Fortune, Clifford Roy. Ralph Cecil Horner: product of the Ottawa Valley.. 1999. Carleton University, Master of Arts.
Reference Link:
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