A refuge from militarism? : the Canadian movement to support Vietnam era American war resisters, and government responses, 1965-1973 Item Info

A refuge from militarism? : the Canadian movement to support Vietnam era American war resisters, and government responses, 1965-1973
Squires, Jessica C.
Date Created:
Degree Awarded:
Doctor of Philosophy
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 Draft resisters Political culture Canada
Geographical Focus:
Canada US
Supporting Materials:
This thesis offers the first comprehensive history of the network of the anti-draft groups that sprang up to support the American Vietnam war resisters who came to Canada, in the years during which the phenomenon was at its height. It brings new insights into the development of this movement, especially concerning its interactions with government agencies and police, its methods, its internal tensions and debates, and its relations with the wider Canadian political culture. More precisely, it shows how the movement had an impact on government policy through various tactics. Government actions, such as police surveillance and policy shifts, affected the movement’s priorities. In turn, the war resisters and their supporters contributed to debates about nationalism and Canada’s relationship to the United States. ‘This thesis explores specific relationships — between Canadians and Americans, activists and the public, as well as support groups and government agencies, including police. The actions of anti-draft groups in promoting the government’s programs while still pressing for positive change were a characteristic case of interpenetration between the “state” and “society,” and their mutual reinforcement. All this occurred at a moment when the idea of Canada as a “refuge from militarism” was entering the vernacular as one of the key myths about the nation. The myth, which this thesis questions, has become that Canada, a more peaceful country than the United States, allowed the draft dodgers and deserters from south of the border to find refuge from militarism.
Preferred Citation:
Squires, Jessica C.. A refuge from militarism? : the Canadian movement to support Vietnam era American war resisters, and government responses, 1965-1973. 2009. Carleton University, Doctor of Philosophy.
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